My new website and some other sites that have inspired me

Lately, I've been inspired by the websites of music teachers around the world. There's some fantastic stuff around: Elissa Milne's Blog,  musespeak.comElena Cobb's Blog and Diana Hidy's blog to name just a few. They all have such unique and honest content: anecdotes from teaching, tips on how to learn or understand music, personal philosophies about music along with ideas for repertoire, how a teacher can use technology, performances opportunities, improvisation and even stationery to entertain, engage and educate students.

This site, was set up in summer 2013 to support and promote the new work I'd started, namely Practical Musicianship workshops based on Dalcroze Eurhythmics. I started Dalcroze training in 2010 and instantaneously fell in love with it. Without wanting to sound too evangelical about it (!) I'd say it has changed my music, my teaching, and my attitude to learning and to life in general. Really. The effect has been huge... and one of the other reasons for this site is to provide my own anecdotes and ideas regarding Dalcroze Eurhythmics. 

Now. November 2013: I wanted everything on my site to look fresher, neater, and LARGER, so it's inviting and easy to read. And, I wanted a place where I could write blog posts more regularly. So, here it is! A newly updated ! I hope you like it. And please, feel free to comment if anything I say inspires any comment at all.