To book a place click here.

n is it? Thursdays at 4:45 until 6:15 (90 min class including a 10 min break)

How much does it cost? £10.50 per session, paid termly in advance. Free taster: 10th May 2018.

Where is it? 

Darley Abbey Village Hall, Abbey Yard, Derby, DE22 1DS (click here to view on Google Maps)

Who is it for? Children aged 7-12

Class Timetable

The class is split into two parts - a 40 min choir, and a 40 min Practical Musicianship session. 

What is a 'Practical Musicianship' session?

These active, exciting classes are based on Dalcroze Eurhythmics, a method of music education using the whole body. If you imagine 'music theory taught through creative movement... but ten times more fun' you might be close to the content of this class! It aims to show children how to hear detail in music, and to connect to this with their body and mind. There's a lot of playfulness with imaginative tasks, improvisation and abstract thinking, including how to represent sound or images through movement. The class is practical and collaborative - especially great for children who love to play musical instruments, sing, dance, or act.

About the Teachers

Alex Bowen is a piano teacher and qualified Dalcroze Eurhythmics teacher. She has taught Dalcroze to children at the Guildhall College of Music (London) and at Birmingham Conservatoire. There, this musicianship training forms part of a Saturday Junior Music Programme along with one to one instrumental lessons, orchestra and choir. Alex's full biography can be found here.

Katharine Choonara (biog. to follow)